About Me

Hello Blog readers!

Thanks for checking out my page! I guess this is where I write about why you should spend your precious time reading what I write….here it goes!
My name is Jesse Awenus and I’m a practising physiotherapist in Toronto, Ontario. I currently work out of a great clinic called Synergy Sports Medicine that caters to all types of people. We have a keen interest in athletes and really try to understand the demands of the game when treating our current athletes. Synergy has sports med doctors, physiatrists, physiotherapists, chiropractor, RMTs and pilates/yoga instructors all under one ruff. We are a full service rehab clinic that actually tries to get people better faster using best practice therapies and a team based approach to care.

Ok, about me… I graduated from York University in 2007 with a specialized Honors degree in Kinesiology and Exercise Science. After that point I took a year off to decide what I wanted to do with my life. I was deciding between chiropractic and physical therapy. After MUCH deliberation, I decided physio was what I wanted to do for the rest of my working life. I was accepted at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario and graduated with my Masters of Science degree in physiotherapy in 2010.  Since that time I have taken post graduate courses in manual therapy with the orthopaedic Division of the CPA. I completed my advanced diploma in manual and manipulative therapy in 2015 and am a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy (FCAMPT). I have also done soft tissue release courses and  have completed the Titeliest Performance Institute level one Golf fitness/rehab course along with the Selective Functional Movement Assessment course (SFMA). In 2015 I also completed my certification in Dry Needling, a treatment system that is aimed at reducing pain from myofasical origin (muscle pain),

Here is the deal with me… I’m a no B.S physio. I will work my butt off to help my clients, but I expect them to do what is asked…it’s really very simple. I don’t use many modalities in my practice because I don’t think clients are paying for me to toss ice or heat on their backs…they can do that themselves at home! I use a lot of manual therapy in the form of joint mobilization/manipulation (yes, physio’s manipulate!), myofascial release, and specific exercise prescription.  My goal is to have each patient I see have a firm understanding about why they have pain and how they can fix it. Giving patients the tools to help themselves is what physiotherapy is all about!

On this Blog you will find posts about all aspects of orthopaedic physiotherapy. I will discuss relevent research findings, clinical “pearls” that all physios should know, and current trends in the health world as I deem important. PLEASE comment on anything you want and I will ALWAYS respond. It is my promise that if you take the time to read and write on my page, I will take the time to respond. That is my guarantee.

Jesse Awenus B.A Hons (kin), MSc.PT, Dip.Manip.PT, FCAMPT, Cert.IDN
Your friendly neighborhood Registered Physiotherapist

  1. Farwa says:

    You have an incredible blog Jesse! Congrats on your accomplishments and keep it up; its great to see the active approach you take with physio and it gives me hope as a physio-in-training! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas!

  2. jessephysio says:

    Thanks for the kind words Farwa. Physiotherapy is truly an awesome profession that really have no limits. You get out of it what you put in and that’s probably the best advice I can give you. Best of luck on your physio education.

  3. […] række ønsker om at jeg skrev noget lignende omkring musklerne der stabiliserer skulderbladet. Jesse Awenus en dygtig canadisk fys skriver her om hans tilgang til skulder […]

  4. ELISA says:

    Trying to find you for a referral…where are you? You are no longer at Honsburger…

    • jessephysi says:

      Hi Elisa, Thanks for visiting my website. You’re right, I’m no longer at Honsberger. I’m at a new clinic in the city called synergy sports medicine and rehab at yonge and college. Feel free to email me at jessephysio@hotmail.com if you want to know more or to simply ask me a physio-related question.

  5. ivan fedyaev says:

    Dear Jesse Awenus,
    I am looking for collaborator.
    Back pain in the UK (and in the USA) is a great problem.
    My device to treat herniated disc low back pain (LBP) is patented in the UK, method pending in the USA, a simple, safe and effective auto-decompression method that I, a medical doctor, developed for myself. It works in upright vertical position, has only one contra-indication, is cost-effective (as all other treatments are abandoned) and may help keep LBP patients capable to work. I am now assessing interest in the device (method) and would like to know whether you would be interested to take the project forward into medical practice.
    As a medical doctor using this method to treat my low back pain I can claim that:
    1. This method kept me, a young LBP patient, capable to work.
    2. It was cost-effective as all the other treatments were abandoned.
    3. It keeps me, now an old LBP patient, from becoming a back cripple (unfortunately there is no absolute cure for heavily herniated disc LBP).
    4. The most important advantage of this method is that it is a self-help, self-manage method. I do not go to my GP or hospital, I use it at home any time suitable and my GP here does not even know that I have a back problem.
    There are some other advantages of this method but they require further investigation:
    1. Using this method by patients with simple backache might prevent subsequent disc injury that is highly possible in this group.
    2. This method may be a helpful and cost-effective treatment for patients with neck pain.
    3. This method may be a helpful and cost-effective treatment for patients with ankylosing spondylitis.
    4. It may be reasonable to use this method for preventative measures by people in groups of risk: sedentary mode of life, drivers, porters, weight-lifters, oarsmen and some other sportsmen or parachute jumpers.
    5. This method can be used for spine curvature correction.
    6. Regular use of this method might prevent development of osteoporosis in the bones of spine, upper limbs and shoulder girdle (it is a positive side effect).
    7. This method might prevent periodontal disorders by providing the gums massage (it is another positive effect of this method).
    On the figure attached: 1 – frame, 2 – head back pillow (chin support is not visible on this figure), 3 – over-door chin-up bar (available in a sports shop). All details if you are interested and, if not interested, please forward this message to an appropriate person or company. My email address: ifedyaev@yahoo.co.uk
    PS: This is absolutely new and effective method – it will decrease the number of hospital visits, it will reduce the cost of care, it will create jobs, it will increase export, it will be famous all over the world. And it can help soldiers.
    I invite you to become the principal applicant to apply to a Grant Program in the UK (or USA, or Japan, or China, or any).
    Additional information:
    A. for a manufacturer:
    A little 10x30x50cm frame made of plastics or composites (or metal, or any other) is used in this LBP management method. This frame should be light but bear a patient’s weight (up to 120kg) that is distributed between four branches of suspension from an over-door chin-up bar.
    The device comprises four parts: the frame itself, chin support, head back pillow and chin support softener.
    The head back pillow and chin support softener are cushions and should be made of soft but tough material (type of resin?).
    Please let me know if you can design such device. I have technical drawings for a plastic model.
    To exclude severe osteoporosis as the contra-indication against using this method, it is interesting to include a sensor showing the force the patients apply to their spine.
    B. It so happened that:
    1. I have been managing my own LBP for many years;
    2. I developed my own method to manage my LBP;
    3. This is a self-manage method;
    4. This is a safe and simple auto-decompression method to be used at home;
    5. The device of this method is patented in the UK;
    6. Method is pending in the USA;
    7. I am a retired Russian medical doctor;
    8. I live in Brighton UK. Now I am a British citizen.
    9. Some UK (and USA) Grant Programs may finance the project (see ‘’programme emails’’ attached); The only problem is to find the principal applicant. This applicant will be as well a partner in mutual business;
    10. I cannot be the principal applicant as I am not affiliated to any institution here.
    My L5-S1 disk herniated in 1972. It was a foolish weight-lifting competition which resulted in disc herniation and nerve root compression. With more than a year of awful LBP, I was on the edge of becoming an invalid but I developed this, my own, method and since then could live and work.
    No, it did not cure. Now I can live without decompression for two or sometimes three (and even four!) weeks. By the end of this interval my body is curved again, LBP becomes severe again, and I have to use decompression again. I should say that LBP never stopped completely, but my decompression method allows me to live.
    This method can be (and very often indeed is) considered to stand quite close to traction. Unfortunately (and strange incredibly) there is a strong negative opinion against traction on the whole here in the UK (see ‘NICE traction’ and ‘prof. Bull’ attached).
    What I say is based on my (and only on my own) experience of a patient with a severe disc herniation. I understand that from scientific point of view my (the only one) case is not at all enough for generalization. But what can I do with the fact that this auto-decompression method has been helping me for years? For years! As far as it helps me, why could it not help others? What I say is: ‘’Let us examine it!’’.
    To examine the method you need not manufacture the device, you can use mine. All you need is to recruit volunteers. They should be with a severe disc herniation and really suffering. From my own experience of that LBP I know – these patients are ready to volunteer in anything. If additionally you take me, you may see X-ray (or other) picture of my L5-S1 area. So, I might be a volunteer with long term LBP and it should be interesting for you to use your imaging techniques to record vertebrae movements during decompression procedure on me.
    The drawback of this suggestion is the little number of patients investigated, but it is only the preliminary (pilot) study, enough for you to become the principal applicant for a Grant Programme randomised clinical trial (see ‘’programme emails’’ attached). It might be as well enough to create a company with a manufacturer, and to sell devices simultaneously with that clinical trial (or without it at all).
    I hope you see there is no money I expect for me personally while the pilot study is being done (except travel ticket, not money but my name return ticket which you buy and send to me). What I expect is that my name is mentioned in your papers, I have copies of all investigations’ results and I am present in the next phase that is creating a mutual start-up company.
    Kind regards

  6. Robert currie says:

    I am interested in setting up an initial consultation. I’ve been to physio before but have moved. Also looking for Chiro and massage.
    Look forward to hearing from you. You have been highly recommended.

  7. Kim says:

    Your blog is amazing! Thank you for your informative posts. I am a Pilates instructor working with a wide range of clients, so I am always reading up on ideas and inspiration. It’s great to find a physiotherapist who is so well-versed with an intelligent, caring approach.

    • jessephysio says:

      Kim, Thank you for the wonderful remarks. I work with some great pilates instructors so I know how much good you guys can do! Thanks for reading and if you would like me to write about a specific topic let me know.

      Take care

  8. Jodie says:

    Just found your blog from a search for rotator cuff strength and serratus anterior. After a massage I was not able to lift left arm.:( now it’s better but still have difficulty lifting left arm when doing superman exercise, lateral raise, pilates swimming etc. it is a struggle. Going to see a PT about it this week.
    I was able to do all that before massage not sure what happened.

    Anyway I am enjoying your blog and tips and will keep returning for the great info. Thanks for sharing,

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  10. Rena Dempsey says:

    Hi Jesse, I am seeing you tomorrow for the first time. I found your clinic through a visit to Dr. Eisenberg, Neurologist. He had good things to say. I’ve exhausted pretty much every clinic, expert out there. My condition is complex and I accept that it’s a challenge. Hoping my luck runs high tomorrow and your skills are what works and is needed. So far the clinic seems great. See you then.

  11. jessephysio says:

    Hi Rena,

    Thanks for checking out my website. I’m looking forward to meeting you tomorrow to see how I can be of help to you. If you have any questions before our session please let me know. And yes, Synergy is an amazing centre….but I’m biased 😉

  12. Terry says:


    Love the blog! Each post is very insightful and eloquently written.

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